Founder chanel replica founded the Chanel brand in Paris, France in 1913. replica gucci wide range of products, including clothing, jewelry and accessories, cosmetics, perfume, each product is famous, especially her hermes replica and replica bags . Chanel is a famous brand with more than 80 years of experience. Chanel fashion always has elegant, simple and exquisite style. She is good at breaking through the tradition. She successfully pushed the fake bags of “Five Flowers” to simple and comfortable in the 1940s. This is perhaps the earliest modern casual wear.


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ADIG designers & merchandisers will develop a line for you from the ground up. Using traditional methods and state of the art CAD systems, we will develop all aspects of your line from theme, color direction, fabrics, graphics and packaging to SKU plans, flat sketches and specifications. We can also develop all materials needed for merchandising and sales presentations. Whatever your specific apparel design and development needs are ADIG can work out a solution that is intelligent, quick, accurate and cost effective.
Textile development has always been one of our strengths. By using computer technology to develop textile design we can see and appreciate many more options than we ever could use with traditional methods. Your design can be incorporated into the CAD illustration, for an exciting storyboard that clearly illustrates your vision.

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