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Whether you are new to the industry or experienced, it is nice to have another opinion or divergent idea. Especially when they are backed up with close to 20 years experience. ADIG has been working with the entrepreneurs and established companies to help them bring new product to the marketplace for over 16 years. The expansion of your trademark into new product categories has been our specialty. Having an investment or brand equity in a nationally known commodity is an enviable position, so why not take the next step and extend that equity to new product categories. We can take the pain out of starting and get the process in high gear quickly.

If you have a brand and would like to extend that equity into a new category, ADIG is the resource for you. This has been our specialty over the last dozen years. Extending your trademark into the apparel industry can maximize your brand equity. We can help by expediting the process by utilizing our infrastructure to get you going as fast as possible. We can sweeten the deal by transferring our knowledge, of the industry, to your staff enabling your staff to take over sooner

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